LEVEES MADE OF LIES by Phil Rockstroh [9.15.05]
How did it come to this? How did we come to buy this worthless plot of swampland known as George Bush's America? Such is the provocative beginning to a scathing assessment of America's political establishment's handling of a much anticipated natural disaster, from the heart, by a native son. The original pieces may be found at http://www.cjonline.org/rockstrohLeveesMadeofLies.cfm
Just as I expected from Rockstroh, a salvo against the all-engulfing jadedness, corruption and generalized class and racial insensitivity that characterise the American government and the confusion at the heart of American society.
This is one of the best articles I've read so far about the Katrina disaster, which I hope may open a new chapter of serious political introspection for Americans, badly needed I think in a nation that is now beginning (since 9/11) to reap what it has sown...for literally more than a century, with scarcely any real opposition from American liberals, too busy cheering, I guess.
With some articles it's difficult to argue, no matter how outrageous the claims or heated the phraseology, and this author certainly minces no words...but I must reluctantly concede that (his obvious sense of anger aside) the proferred diagnosis is totally accurate. America has become a nation in which all manner of falsehood is the real coin of the realm, and in which the Orwellian predictions in 1984 have come true with a vengeance. As a third generation American (grandparents from Naples/Amalfi, a culture of tremendous cynicism) and whose parents therefore tried to instill in him a great deal of pride in their new nation, I find myself lost in this country today. Bullshit pervades and corrupt everything, and nowhere more malignantly than in the most sacred pulpits of the land, starting with the Presidency and Congress. A disgrace.
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The more I read articles like these on progressive media the more I regret the invisible wall that separates lucid Americans from their fellow citizens still terminally mired in mythology and outright lies and who will NEVER get a chance to read an essay like this. (I suppose they might not agree with it, anyway!) In any case, I commend Rockstroh for telling it like it is, and with style, and CJO for giving him the freedom to word his political assault any way he wants. I particularly enjoyed his lashing of one of the Democratic Party's sacred cows, Bill Clinton, an opportunistic phony if you ever saw one. I'm sick of that kind of nonsense encountered on so many liberal sites. The Clintons are a joke, but, given the nation's tattered political system, a very bad joke indeed. Good show!
I just wonder if the withering irony in this article is not only missed by a lot of people but useless when applied against what I perceive as a dead horse—namely America's political conscience. Where is the commensurate reaction to these horrors? The country is aghast, no doubt, and a political storm may still manifest itself, but at this point it looks to me like the power elites have —once again — weathered the worst and are now successfully repairing the damage to THEIR system's repute. You can see that in the increasingly conciliatory tone being evidenced by the media, which act like first-responders to any real
threat to the system's legitimacy...
"And thus far, we Americans have risen to meet the challenge of these perilous times -- by dozing off before our televisions. With crumbs of Doritos stippled in the folds of our double chins and upon our sagging chest, the garish glow of our sets flickers over our sleep-slackened faces, while the programming fare proclaims that "reality" is now comprised of the stuff of contrived competitions between corporately-neutered, would-be pop stars and of Weather Channel remotes, in which legions of blow-dried, sub-cretinous blathering heads are dispatched to hurricane-battered coastal regions to be blown about on camera for the amusement of viewers afflicted with a voyeuristic fetish for "live" disaster footage. And it was big fun, until the appearance of floating corpses put a damper on everyone's festive mood." This is so true it hurts. But I can't help wondering how many of our fellow delusional Americans will recognize in these words a fair portrait of themselves, and an even more desperate criticism? As Rockstroh says, not only are we a nation of zombies with no historical memory and a terminal ADD that hinders any serious understanding of the nation's plight; we're also neurotic, bratish and narcissistic...in sum a total mess. What kind of soup can you make out of this toxic brew? No wonder so many foreigners laugh at what America has become, even if they fear the consequences of having a superpower with bulging muscles and little or no brain brain and even smaller morals.
Man, reading this dude I am depreseded at the thought thta poetry and poets are not duly appreciated in this culture any more. I understand the author is a poet in New York. It takes a poet's brain to speak about these problem in a way that is perceptive and uncompromising to the max and yet does not leave one exhsuted. I realized, was reminded in this article, that poetry is not about rhyming and verses but simply writing lucidly and beautifully about the human condition. Well done. I imagine Rockstroh does not get published by something like the New York Times, but are there any articles by him in magazines I can look up? The last 4 years have been a real political education for me, and now I'm even thinking of going back to school to finish a BA directly as a result of my new inetrest in these matters. Cyrano, DailyKos, and Huffingtom.com have been very helpful to me to clarify a lot of stuff that previously was blurry to say the least. Thanks for the guidance. Sorry for the spelling as I'm just rotten in that department.
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It's almost fascinating to contemplate the fact that while we, as a nation, have not achieved any of our loudly proclaimed ideals, we have come pretty close to attaining perfection in the area of evil imperfections...depressing, isn't it? Who could have guessed this finale for such a glorious beginning?
It's hubris, just hubris, we're guilty of arrogance in almost all aspects of our national character, starting with that crap about America being different from other nations. I think katrina's images will remind some in this country that there's a teeming, struggling third world right outside our comfortable perimetersa third world of our own making. I dont know if it will make a difference.
No matter what Mr. R says here, or how eloquent he is (and I think he is plenty eloquent), the problem we have is that his words will not reach those who need to hear them most desperately...your average American couch potato zombie...whom he defines so well. And much of this sonnambulist state derives from --you guess it again!!--the goddam media who (1) apart from sports scores never tell the public the truth about their social and political condition, and (b) they do so, among other things, by not allowing voices like Mr. R to reach the masses. The slavemasters are beyond the pale, but their power would rapidly erode absent the active complicity of thousands of media whores. With the Church in second place, I suppose the media are now the main opiate.
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Those who expect the filthy cabal in power to suffer lasting damage because of dear Katrina...(yes, politically Katrina is a godsend, even if at the human level it is a disaster) may need to think again. Precisely as we speak (and rant) in these precincts, justifiably filled with all sorts of righteous fury, the corporate, robotic damage-control machinery and its contemptible media assets is already in full swing "repackaging" the events and message thereof...and especially salvaging their favorite boy, the chimp, from further hemorraghing...all according to the standing, constantly-refined script perfected by a ruling class far more adept at lying than at honest and just governing. In fact, you don't have to be a commie, just an intelligent person, to realize that the signs are all over the place that in a culture so deeply split between hyperhaves and have-nots, the haves, who run the place, MUST hide their nefarious power and the way they use it to keep their privileges...there's never been a group, class, stratum or collectivity comprised of thinking humans who, presented with the choice to do something to protect their advantages (at the expense of others), or of diluting their power by doing the opposite, chose the latter. That's why revolutions eventually become inevitable. Show me the exception to this rule and I'll be awfully happy. But don't think for a moment that I'll be waiting for you with bated breath...
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From what I gather we have a huge problem in this nation, and one that is all the more insidious because a vast majority—at least half of our fellow nationals—refuses to admit it. In my view, little is going to be accomplished until we on the left find effective ways of disposing of or going around the three most recalcitrant pillars of the status quo the corporate media, the party duopoly, and the Democratic Party itself. The Democratic party is a big problem because it continues suck and derail the serious social change aspirations of the American people. As such, except in some peripheral ways that do not threaten the system, it stands for a fetid continuation of midterm and longterm domestic and foreign policies leading us all to the abbattoir. We can't allow this party of abject opportunists to go on dissipating pressures to transform America. Hence I see no way out of a fight with the establishment liberals to wrest the party brand name from their mean-spirited and delusional clutches or toss it in the can once and for all where it probably belongs.
P. Rockstroh's piece on Katrina is a good summary for my own personal shock after "re-entry" into US culture (I lived 9 years in Mexico and Costa Rica). I'm always ALMOST fascinated by the Olympic degree of ignorance and misguidedness exhibited by my fellow Americans in contemplating the world and their own actions. What a self-indulgent breed! What really hurts is the waste of mass communications in this culture. In Mexico almost everyone knows what's what regarding power and its nefarious uses by the upper layers. Here almost everyone walks around in some sort of stupid fog. It's very depressing and isolating. And it works to the advantage of this country's elite. I'm happy to see the "left" blogs coming alive, and sites like this to help dissolve some of this muck.
Rocktroh's elegy for Crescent City hit me where it counts. He should consider speechwriting for some of our soon-to-come long-odds candidates...rhetoric was much appreciated in more civilized times, and for good reason. What is more important than to shape human behavior by persuasion?
All of you people make me sick. Always whining about this country as if it were the worst nation on earth! What a piece of bunk. I've been all over and this is by far the best country, even with its flaws. Look at this post by this person who just came back to the good ole US...why? If they were so happy in Mexico or whatever why waste your life here? Look no one is holding you here against your will. If you hate this country so much: LEAVE! You'll be doing us, real Americans, a big favor by clearing the air. Your hot air is what causes air pollution.
(Let me try to be polite with the recent post signed "bestegeste" whoever that may be.)
—It's obviously YOU who's in the wrong place, pal...what are you doing on this blog for people with still functioning brains? Spying on us? Having some sort of sick fun? Well, guess what: Go play with your fellow idiots at Rush Limbaugh's or Hannitty's or Bill O'Reilly's spots, or NewsMax, or the otehr zillion places where people like you congregate. Your "good German", "my country right or wrong" arguments are as old and shopworn and bankrupt as the earliest scam artists who trotted them out...Plus no one's is holding you against your will here. So get lost and have some fun while you can still breath the toxic air you and your crowd contribute so much to. Go read the GOP wingnut propaganda, that'll make you happy.
Exileathome1 took the words out of my mouth. With so many rightwing sites around it's clear bestegeste is just being a peste!
The ineptitude and cravenness of the mainstream media is shown in multiple ways but propping up the regime while appearing to castigate it ...is surely one of their most ambitious tricks. By the way, has anyone noted how little we have heard of the Bush crime family's close ties—cozy I'd call it, the way they are now busily kissing the ass of their Saudi pals— with the fascist leadership of the 1930s and 1940s? This execrable family's M.O. never changes. No wonder we're in the mess that Mr. Rock is raging against...
The Cyrano editors should try to print these articles and make them available free or at reduced cost to audiences not normally in tune with sophisticated blogs like these. It'd take money but maybe there's a way to go about it. Just think of the millions being collected right now by MoveOn or plunked down into the fray by the likes of tycoons like Soros, etc.
The Katrina disaster may have shaken, even radicalized some members of the media...it's gonna be interesting to see what this natural calamity injects into our newsrooms from here on out...maybe the blinders and acquired "professional" pretenses will begin to come off. I expect a silent defection from the accustomed parameters and even some resignations in time, or even firings for toeing the "wrong" line. The media corps may never be the same after this.
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The victimization of N>O> is hardly over when the vultures begin to arrive, I mean the real ones, with hefty no-bid contracts under the arm to bulldoze the past, as the author points out, and make room for a new, gentrified New Orleans with its heart and soul eviscerated. Fortunes will be made on this human and animal calamity.
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The tragedy of Louisiana is incalculable, and so is that of Gulfport and the whole coast region affected. In my view, and hope this will be received in good cheer, this is just an inevitable symptom of the state of advanced disrepair of the American political system, not just as a result of its being capitalist, since we here in Canada also live under capitalism, but a culture of reactionism that seems to make matters far worse. In Europe, for example, capitalism is also alive and kicking (too much for my taste, as i regard myself as a socialist), but its manifestations, especially on the main continental powers —Germany, France, etc.—are far less savage than in the USA. lastly I'd like to say that I can understand the writer's fury and sense of despair. Bushcorp really screwed up this one, but, frankly, the Louisiana Democratic party establishment is almost equally at fault. The Governor, in particular, acted pathetically. Her actions or inactions, rather, will now provide Rove, Cheney and the rest of the real Brain behind Bush with some escape hatches.
In general, I find writing about American politics is a very difficult thing to do. In order to communicate your feelings, and views you have to tirelessly show you're a true patriot, and are here to defend the good hard working people of America. That is not to say these people don't exist, but lets be honest, they are certainly not the hard laboring, and honest working class once living "On the Waterfront". The narrow provincialism of Americans is one of the most disgusting, arrogant, and mindless qualities that this totalitarian culture possesses.
In all honesty, I don't like America, nor do I fancy most Americans. I find the culture trite, petty, egotistical, insipid and stupid, whether it is their own fault or not, that is reality. Che Guevara said a revolution must be born out of love…thank goodness Che didn't have to live in this cesspool. I would like to think of myself as a compassionate person by nature, yet this culture stretches every positive, and loving emotional fiber I posses to the absolute limit. In fact I think I feel them sizzling now.
What I love is the dream of Socialism. The dream of extricating the horrifically oppressed, forced to live under the jackboot of this arrogant monster for the last god knows how long? I do love humanity, nature, and animals, and to see any of them suffer even 1 more day, so these rich sociopaths can go on living in the way they do is almost too much to endure. Either we fix this problem soon, or human beings (rather Americans) deserve to sleep in the bed they have made, the bed of extinction – and that would be planetary justice.
I think this piece is honest, and as the saying goes…"The Truth Hurts". Fuck 'em. Anger is a catalyst for change. And to drive Che's point home, we are angry because we do love, or else we would not be angry, we would be simply apathetic- type A- 1 dimensional - avarage American idiots.
I wanted to congratulate to the author by his felt words with respect to the city to martir of New Orleans, victima of great negligence on the part of the Bush government. If this had happened in Argentina, the multitudes already be in the streets. Where it is the fury of the North American town? It is that they do not have blood in his veins?
In three years Bush won't be remembered as the man who destroyed New Orleans but as the man who gave the country a bigger, stronger and more beautiful city...I'm betting America will show the world what it can do. What will you say then? 200 billion can work miracles and this is a nation accustomed to such projects.
I suppose Atlanta is your idea of a beautiful city? As Jim Kunstler has pointed out, Atlanta is a living (sic) emblem of everything that is wrong with a contemporary cities ... though to use the word "city" for centerless, hideous, developer-decimated Atlanta is a misnomer: Atlanta is collection of bad zoning, only unified by a confederacy of delusion greedheads ... It's not difficult to see how and why you mindlessly parrot of Bushco talking points.
Atta boy Ed! What in blazes is this guy sligo talking about? A ciity destroyed is not just a matter of cement and mortar and what not: it's history, memories, all of it irreplaceable. Sure, money can buy many things, including fame, privilege and elections. But there's a limit even for that. Pitiful commentary.
I was just reading about the indictment of the St. Patrick's Four--a group of catholics who did their demonstration in opposition to teh war in front of a recruiting station and got slapped with a big suit by the feds for obstructing a US officer, bla bla. Well, you can look up the issue elsewhere. My point here is how safe is dissent in this nation, dissent by the likes of Mr. Rockstroh and his kind, for example, who mince no words, if mild-mannered people like these catholics, whose pacifist antiwar testimony is now almost choreographed to a T by both sides, is taken so grumpily...Is this bastard Bush trying to send us a signal that real dissent itself is not going to be tolerated? Well, as always, in unity there's strength. If the left caves in, they'll go on to take more. If we resist, we won't be worse off for the doing, as they say, and we might actually win. You know, I think that compared to other nations this country has really gotten soft...
I am appalled, no strike that, scarcely surprised, that Bush has had the temerity to give his cronies hefty no-bid contracts and a framework for action that again applies all the dear principles of vulture capitalism to the reconstruction of this martyred zone...with nary a commesnuarte reply from the Democrats, the media, or the American people—-all of whom should be howling FOUL from every rooftop in America. But, I guess I forgot, this is America, the land of political cowardice and bullshit. Forget what I said.
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