Sunday, October 03, 2004

It's high time the GOP was confined to the dustbin of history By Patrice Greanville

"SHOW ME A GOP supporter AND I'LL SHOW A COLD-HEARTED CYNIC OR A DELUDED CITIZEN. For many years I have argued that the GOP is a party representing the worst values in American society, the vilest impulses in a human being, and that it exists, indeed it thrives in this country, solely because of the dilapidated state of political knowledge possessed by so many of our fellow citizens. This is a party that, far from thriving and winning elections, should be a footnote in the political debate in the US, or simply extinct." So begins Greanville's argument about what by any standard should be an anomaly: the triumph of a party almost flagrantly advancing the interest of a plutocracy. Read the piece at this location:


At 9:04 AM, Blogger cyrano said...

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At 11:01 AM, Blogger cyrano said...

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At 12:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was a loyal Republican for 30 years until 2000, mostly I guess on habit and unexamined grounds, when I switched to "independent." I guess that's not too radical and won't shake the world but to me it was the product of an internal reevaluation of everything I was brought up to believe in...Still I just can't swallow the Democratic party and its equally phony pabulums and probably will never vote for them either, which means, given the choices we have in this great democracy, that I won't vote for a long long time! I'm afraid Mr greanvile is depressingly correct.

At 3:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me know when the funeral will take place. Can't wait to bury this gangster party. As the author suggests, the GOP exists only because we are a nation of idiots. Not only do they rob you in broad daylight; they shit on you, too. We inherited this crap from Britain, this two-party farce. The GOP is merely our version of the stinking Tories, mate.

At 2:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "GOP" type of party exists in different forms in other lands, too, as I have observed in my own travels. Conservative parties are always based on chauvinism, defense of the rich, alliances with the churches, and so on, all of which bring their share of the disinformed to the fold, the cannon fodder they need to play a credible role in the democratic joustings...But only in America does a plutocratic vehicle like the GOP pretend SO SHAMELESSLY to speak for all classes. It's the class confusion in America that renders this party so successful and dangerous in our time.

At 3:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A great analyses. Not likely to see the light in any of the main American media for sure. Well done Mr G.

At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Americans should get seriously organized and fight for at least proportional representation, thereby opening the road to smaller parties which, in time, may challenge the monopoly of the two (one!) parties in perennial power. It's symptomatic of this fraud we call Americanb elections that no matter who wins in November, the rich never lose.

At 1:18 PM, Blogger claudia said...

From Lincoln to Hoover, we elected 15 presidents
(exception A. Johnson not elected) 12 were Repub-licans, 3 were Democrats. From FDR to GWBush we have had 12 elections, 6 Republicans, 6 Democrats. Now look at the distinquished list:
Republicans: Lincoln, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison, McKinely, T. Roosevelt, Taft, Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford (not elected), Reagan, G.H.W.Bush, and the worst of the worst, G.W.Bush.
Democrats: Cleveland, Wilson, FDR, Truman,
Kennedy, L. Johnson, Carter and Clinton.
Now I ask you folks, which list looks better to you and which presidents are rated by historians as leaders who truly effected good policies for our nation by their actions? What usually appeals to people who "say" they are Republicans is the old,
"pull yourself up by your bootstraps" mentality. So many of them actually inherited their positions, or belonged to the "lucky sperm group" that the boots were already on! They have forgotten, or probably never understood the word used in the beginning of our history. COMMONWEALTH. We are doing this for the good of our commonwealth.
They don't want to contribute, they want to keep, so their programs embellish the haves. To hell with the havenots. Until our citizens realize that the country is no better off than the least of us, we are not the country, "of the people, by the people and for the people.
It will be turned around, how soon, I cannot even imagine. Chickens do come home to roost.

At 4:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 3:58 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Someone originated the statement that "there are no solutions -- only choices." That is our present state of affairs we find ourselves today. Politics, economics, money -- all are vestiges from an era of human existance that has been pushed aside by technological advancement. Jobs? They keep harping about creating jobs. Think again. We do not employ human muscle to do 98% of all work thus political control over people is passe'; we no longer have scarsity conditions that will satisfy the requirement of a "value" system where the unreal concept of money will work -- and then we have the situation of the unrelenting flooding of so called free markets with goods and services that are not being produced by human labor.

One of the byproducts of always striving to increase profits and the necissity of constant expansion of the economy, is the poisoning of the environment and changing for the worse, our ability to live on this planet.

So, you see, there are no solutions in the political or economic structure we cling to as if it were God's gift to mankind. All the blaming and counter blaming to convince ourselves that if we just vote for someone different; that we put controls on banks, businesses and unions etc. -- that there it is folks, our salvation. So patheic when we consider what we could do with the potential in our human brains to solve problems.

I would like to offer here, the opportunity to open a discussion of employing a new way for humans to conduct their affairs that is science oriented and with a system of function. This is a choice we do have.

George Wright


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